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Source of Light - Kansas
P.O. Box 149
Newton, Kansas 67114


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From The Director

Leon Scott

Dear Friends:

Thank you for being a prayer and financial partner in the ministry of Source of Light Kansas. In April, we celebrated our 30th anniversary of God’s faithfulness and of spreading the Good News of Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and His gift of eternal life.

It was just about sixteen years ago when we moved into the current facility which God so graciously provided. Only a few cosmetic changes needed to be made at the time. Approximately six years ago, the roof needed to be replaced. We watched as our faithful Heavenly Father provided every penny to complete that project, with a little extra to purchase Bible lessons. The stories of God’s faithfulness to provide for every need of this work – whether for building, equipment, or tools – go on and on.

We currently have two major needs. Our aging heating and air conditioning systems have worked very well in the past. However, one of the air conditioner compressors needs to be replaced or completely upgraded to a new system. The remaining system has some problems also which need to be addressed. Because of the age of these two units, the Board believes it would be best to replace both of them with more economical units. The total need for this project is $11,000.

The second project is to repair the parking lot which was originally paved in the mid 1970’s when the facility was built. The quoted cost for this project is $8,000 without sales tax. That quote was given over a year ago. Since it is outdated, the project will likely cost more than the original quote. Whatever funds are given above and beyond the need for the air conditioning project will automatically go into the parking lot fund.

Will you give a gift to help with these projects? As you know, the majority of our staff are volunteers and we want to make the facility as comfortable and accommodating for them as possible. They work to answer questions the students have and minister to them in sharing the Word. In giving, you are having a part in sharing the Good News of Christ and discipling believers. Please use the enclosed envelope to return your gift.

And, keep a watch on our website,, for updates on the project. If you would like to receive e-mail updates, please provide us with your e-mail address.
Thank you for partnering with us. God bless you.

In His Service,

Leon Scott

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