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Source of Light - Kansas
P.O. Box 149
Newton, Kansas 67114


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Our Priorities

Our Burden:  The Lost

Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is our PassionSharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is our passion.  Our courses seek to lead unbelievers to saving faith, and provide an excellent resource for others in their evangelism efforts.

If you're not sure about Jesus, Heaven, Hell, and what the Bible itself says about these topics, we'd be very happy to show you.

Our Focus:  DiscipleshipThe student is encouraged to share what they are learning with those around them.

New believers are trained in Godly living and the basic doctrines of Scriptures through our courses.  They are also encouraged to share what they are learning with those around them.

You or your Church or ministry can use our discipleship materials in your own evangelism and discipleship ministries. For more information, please click here.

Our Vision:  Multiplication

Our Vision - encouraging students to begin sharing what they learn."The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."  2 Timothy 2:2 is a key verse that shapes our ministry.  Students taking our courses are encouraged to begin sharing what they learn and to enroll others in the courses.  We seek to involve every believer in outreach.

Encouraging believers to develop a heart for the lost and a commitment to disciple new believers is our vision.  Whether want to enroll for your own study, distribute our enrollment cards, or start your own Discipleship Ministry, we are available to assist you in reaching out to those around you.

©Source of Light - Kansas- 2010   designed by Simply Webtacular